2022 MetAIoT Conf.

  1. NFTCON 2022 – Largest NFT Conference, 2022.03.22-24 (3 Days)
  2. PARIS NFT DAY, Paris NFT Day event will take place in Palais Brongniart (former French stock exchange) in Paris on Tuesday April 12th, 2022.04.12
  3. NFT|LA, NFT | LA is an integrated conference experience: an epic IRL conference fused with an immersive Metaverse integrations and L.A’s robust nightlife scene. 2022.03.28
  4. NFT.NYC, the NFT community together in NYC for debates, talks & workshops, 2022.06.20
  5. NFT Expoverse, NFT Expoverse is an educational 3-day event showcasing the inevitable
    mass-schedule adoption of blockchain technology and how it will affect our world. 2022.07.29-31 (3 Days)
  6. Reference:
    Top blockchain, NFT & crypto events for 2022
    — Reference: Top NFT Conferences for 2022
  7. ISEA 2023 (submissionCFP)