Shapes of Your Words (方文灝、張方瑜、羅傑錦, 2022)

作者:方文灝 張方瑜 羅傑錦

A writing system is a method of visually representing verbal communication, based on a script and a set of rules regulating its use to convey messages. Different writing can a reliable form of information storage and transfer.
文字是人類用符號記錄表達資訊以傳之久遠的方式和工具。 現代文字大多是記錄語言的工具。 文字的不同體現了書面表達的方式和思維不同。

We are making connection between Word’s meaning and Snowflakes


Demo :

Way of human interpret sentence’s meaning
Ascending order (front to back)
Word by word to establish comprehension
Emotion changes with process of comprehension

Way of snowflake growth
Depends on ambient conditions
Ambient conditions may fluctuate
Growth changes with ambient conditions

① Formulating a relation between words and snowflakes
How to represent sentiments of a sentence?
How to formulate relation between word to snowflakes?

Sentiment analysis
VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text

③ Beautification
A: Multimodal Style Transfer via Graph Cuts (2020)
B: Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer with Adaptive Attention Normalization (2021)

How to represent sentiments of a sentence?
How does a snowflake with positive sentiment looks like?
How does a snowflake with negative sentiment looks like?

Boubo-Kiki effect
first observed by Georgian psychologist Dimitri Uznadze in a 1924 paper
documented by German psychologist Wolfgang Köhler in 1929

The rounded shape may most commonly be named “bouba” because the mouth makes a more rounded shape to produce that sound while a more taut, angular mouth shape is needed to make the sounds in “kiki”