2021.11.30 黃睿緯報告

主題:《返轉抑制:時間空間的光學具象 》

本論⽂創作因主要創作之空間、聲⾳裝置作品媒材與重點概念有互相交錯牽引 關係遂將性質劃分不以年代劃分,以「空間」、「速度」、「⼈」為基軸排列,對 應「裝置」、「錄像」與「表演」,關鍵概念上互為有機網狀連結。以最近期創作 之作品《 返轉抑制 Reversal Inhibition 》作為主要出發,先調查搜集時間概念與其演 進⽅式,⽽後帶⼊展演形式衍⽣相關實作技術、理論或範例,進⽽交叉帶⼊⾃⾝之 動機與對科技之想像,進⽽相互辯證探討。

空間作品《 返轉抑制 Reversal Inhibition 》、《秩序 The Order 》與表演裝置 《Prism 聲⾳裝置》為筆者主要創作主軸遂以較多幅度探討,其核⼼媒材與概念為 「光線光學(ray optics)」之「成像(imaging)」與「折射(refraction)」在空間中所造成 的反饋作⽤(feedback);前期之錄像類創作《 Hey Kiddo, sooner or later you will grow up. 》與《 ⼈間排泄 Excretion 》、《 台北無間 Taipei Nowhere 》概念核⼼則圍繞現 實空間中之「速度」在透過鏡框式影像限制後加以敘事之⽇常隨筆與概念實驗;表 演作品《 未來的凌遲 An afterlife torture 》則主要分析⾝體如何在場及作為展演之⾝ 體為何,並藉機回應第⼆章創作動機中所提到科技與⼈之間的種種假設。

作品皆有⼀個共同探討之議題——不論是城市中、空間中、⼈意識中「在某個 特定時間造成之點、線、⾯」及其中所造成的⼀切「速度」之於空間。遂將《 返轉 抑制:時間空間的光學具象 Reversal Inhibition : Optical Materialization of Time and Space 》定為此⼤綱論述之探討主題。

關鍵字: 時間、速度、折射(refraction)、光線光學 (ray optics)、環境節奏、Beats Per Minutes(BPM)、虹、⾊散、類⽐、點線⾯、聽覺、反饋作⽤(feedback)。


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2021.11.30 田子平報告




本文的章節將依序整理我從進入研究所之後對於人與實虛空間之相關議題的創作進行脈絡整理。從《Ultra Line》系列作為出發,以放置巨大尺度的光線比例尺於戶外空間進而探討在真實世界中人與人造建築和自然環境之間的尺度關係。到《闔眼之前》,藉由空間裝置的搭建再現並重新詮釋因科技指數型蓬勃發展的環境之下,人在實體空間中與電子載具平面所形成的虛擬沈浸空間的交互關係。到最後的《流變空間》則是將前兩件作品探討的面相做結合,試著透過媒材的介入使原本單純的現實幾何空間因隨機亂數切割的剖線而將其有機化並產生實虛難辨的空間邊界,進而在黑暗中創造出實虛組合的空間量體,使人對於空間的感受藉由奇觀式的視覺體驗重新回歸於最本能的身體感知。希望能夠藉由這些作品的特性進而去探討在數位時代中虛實空間與人之間的關係。





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2021.11.30 陳麗宇報告 – 博物館AR





作者 – 馮歆宇

關鍵字 – 擴增實境,博物館體驗,迭代設計

主旨 – 傳統博物館在創造數位體驗上需要注意什麼?本論文從探討AR技術運用著手,作出回應。作者認為展覽數位化不應僅著重軟硬體數量,而應綜合技術應用、體驗沈浸、文化創新等多面向。她歸納出一些策略,並以自己參與企劃的舊展覽為原型,提出新的「更小、更輕」的具體方案,進一步說明如何應對AR展覽中物件敘事、結合場域等方面的問題。

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2021.11.16 楊元福報告

Topic: Medium . Permeation  ppt

Author: YuanFu Yang, Iuan Kai Fang


Impressionism expressed the scientific meaning of “light” in artistic creation. The light color reflected by the luminous flux through the medium in the air became the concept of impressionists’ creation.

After collecting the web imagination of global citizens about COVID19, we trained the generative model and let the computer randomly synthesize it. We adjusted various parameters during the training process making the results such as Dou Jia, Monet, Renoir , their style paintings.

Through this work the diffusion path of COVID19 spreading the molecular of the virus through the air, just like the scattering phenomenon formed by light through the particles in the air. Color is exclusive to the humans’ world, and COVID19 is also born with humans.




發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.11.16 楊元福報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.11.16 古士宏報告



Artist:Guy Ben-Ary (AU), Nathan Thompson (AU), Sebastian Diecke (DE)

Keywords:Bio/Live Art, Stem cell technology, Bio Engineering, Biological Alchemy, Living kinetic sculptures, Surrogate performer

Abstract:In Bricolage we create autonomous, animated, living, biological entities that have the ability to self-assemble and are hosted in a suspended vessel (Incubator) custom made of clay, metal, and glass. These automatons are made from three main materials: blood, heart, and silk. They are made from bio-engineered human heart muscle cells that grow on bodies made of silk. The muscle cells beat in real time manipulating the automatons’ movement.



發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.11.16 古士宏報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.11.16 翁政弘報告

Topic: Sound for Fungi. Homage to Indeterminacy (LINK) Report [PPT][ PDF]

Author:Theresa Schubert (LINK)

Keyword: Bio-Sound, Fungi Growth Sound


Abstract: Sound for Fungi. Homage to Indeterminacy is a generative video that simulates hyphae’s growth and via a hand tracking sensor allows people to interact with these. Thus, a visitor can take on the role of a sound frequency modulating the hyphae growth in real-time and move through the network. The multiplicity of fungi becomes tangible through being able to change perspective in a 3D environment and fluidly shift from a macro view to a cellular level opening up fragile topologies made of nodes, connections and their environment.

發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.11.16 翁政弘報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.11.02 田子平報告

Topic: The Transparency of Randomness (ARS Electronica 2020)

Author: Mathias Gartner (AT), Vera Tolazzi (AT)

Abstract: The Transparency of Randomness ist eine interaktive Rauminstallation, die Einblick in die Welt des Zufalls gibt. In einem transparenten Würfelsystem werden kontinuierlich Zufallszahlen generiert, die als Basis für Echtzeitberechnungen sowie Visualisierungen dienen. Dieser Prozess wird durch die Verwendung verschiedenster Naturmaterialen und deren Komplexität beeinflusst.


link: https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/de/the-transparency-of-randomness/

發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.11.02 田子平報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.10.19 黃睿緯報告

PPT: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19_JjsnxkNY1IJBLsiwkXm0ZuW54kfc6l/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103926017209371204990&rtpof=true&sd=true

Paper: Knitted RESi: A Highly Flexible, Force-Sensitive Knitted Textile Based on Resistive Yarns [SIGGRAPH ’20] [UIST ’18]


發表於 107上學期 | 在〈2021.10.19 黃睿緯報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.10.19 古士宏 ACM Report “ZoomTouch”

Topic: ZoomTouch:Multi-User Remote Robot Control in Zoom by DNN-based Gesture Recognition

Report: Link

Author: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

Reference: Link


We present ZoomTouch – a breakthrough technology for multi-user control of robot from Zoom in real-time by DNN-based gesture recognition. The users from digital world can have a video con- ferencing and manipulate the robot to make the dexterous manip- ulations with tangible objects. As the scenario, we proposed the remote COVID-19 test Laboratory to considerably reduce the time to receive the data and substitute medical assistant working in pro- tective gear in close proximity with infected cells. The proposed technology suggests a new type of reality, where multi-users can jointly interact with remote object, e.g. make a new building design, joint cooking in robotic kitchen, etc, and discuss/modify the results at the same time.

發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.10.19 古士宏 ACM Report “ZoomTouch”〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.10.19 王聖銘 Report: SlideFusion: Surrogacy Wheelchair with Implicit Eyegaze Modality Sharing

Report: Link

Topic: SlideFusion: Surrogacy Wheelchair with Implicit Eyegaze Modality Sharing

Author: Ryoichi Ando et al.

Reference: SlideFusion | ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Emerging Technologies


For mobility-impaired people, the wheelchair is considered as a main navigation and accessibility device. However, due to the inherited design of the chair, the user is restricted to utilize his hand all the time during navigation resulting in a dual impairment. Our proposed system, SlideFusion, expands on previous work of collaborative and assistive technologies for accessibility scenarios. SlideFusion is focused on the remote collaboration of the mobility impaired person, that an operator can remotely access an avatar embedded into the wheelchair. To reduce the physical and cognitive overload on the wheelchair user, we propose the use of eye gaze modality sharing with the remote operator. The eye gaze modality enables implicit interactions that do not require the user to point or verbally say, thus leveraging indirect communication. By using this, not only accessibility can be provided to wheelchair users and their caregivers, but also hearing impairments and pronunciation disorders are applicable.

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2021.10.19 田子平報告

Topic: Reverse Pass-through VR (ACM SIGGRAPH – Emerging Technology)

PPT: 2021.10.19 ACM SIGGRAPH – Emerging Technology

Author: Nathan MatsudaFacebook Reality Labs

Abstract: We introduce reverse pass-through VR, wherein a three-dimensional view of the wearer’s eyes is presented to multiple outside viewers in a perspective-correct manner, with a prototype headset containing a world-facing light field display. This approach, in conjunction with existing video (forward) pass-through technology, enables more seamless interactions between people with and without headsets in social or professional contexts. Reverse pass-through VR ties together research in social telepresence and copresence, autostereoscopic displays, and facial capture to enable natural eye contact and other important non-verbal cues in a wider range of interaction scenarios.

Keywords: reverse pass-through, light field displays, virtual reality




發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.10.19 田子平報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.10.19 翁政弘報告

Topic: Demonstrating Touch&Fold= A Foldable Haptic Actuator for Rendering Touch in Mixed Reality [Paper][PDF][PPT]
Author: Shan-Yuan Teng
Abstract: We propose a nail-mounted foldable haptic device that provides tactile feedback to mixed reality (MR) environments by pressing against the user’s fingerpad when a user touches a virtual object. What is novel in our device is that it quickly tucks away when the user interacts with real-world objects. Its design allows it to fold back on top of the user’s nail when not in use, keeping the user’s fingerpad free to, for instance, manipulate handheld tools and other objects while in MR. To achieve this, we engineered a wireless and self-contained haptic device, which measures 24×24×41 mm and weighs 9.5 g. Furthermore, our foldable end-effector also features a linear resonant actuator, allowing it to render not only touch contacts (i.e., pressure) but also textures (i.e., vibrations). We demonstrate how our device renders contacts with MR surfaces, buttons, low- and high-frequency textures.

發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.10.19 翁政弘報告〉中留言功能已關閉

2021.10.19 陳麗宇報告 – MagnetIO

Demonstrating MagnetIO: Passive Yet Interactive Soft Haptic Patches Anywhere – ACM SIGGRAPH 2021, Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPGH 2021 Presentation

Full-text paper

→ Class Presentation


Authors – Alex Mazursky, Shan-Yuan Teng, Romain Nith, and Pedro Lopes (all from University of Chicago, US)

Key words – Human computer interaction, Passive actuator, Ubiquitous haptics

Interest Areas – Gaming & Interactive(AR), Research & Education

Abstract – MagnetIO is a new type of haptic actuator comprised of two parts: one battery-powered voice coil worn on the user’s fingernail and any number of interactive soft patches that can be attached to any surface (everyday objects, user’s body, appliances, etc.).When the user’s finger wearing the voice-coil contacts any of the interactive patches it detects its magnetic signature via magnetometer and vibrates the patch, adding haptic feedback to otherwise input-only interactions. To allow these passive patches to vibrate, we make them from silicone with regions doped with polarized neodymium powder, resulting in soft and stretchable magnets. This stretchable form-factor allows them to be wrapped to the user’s body or everyday objects of various shapes.

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2021.10.19 楊元福報告

Topic: One Shot 3D Photography  ppt

Author: Johannes Kopf, et al.

Abstract: 3D photography is a new medium that allows viewers to more fully experience a captured moment. In this work, we refer to a 3D photo as one that displays parallax induced by moving the viewpoint (as opposed to a stereo pair with a fixed viewpoint). 3D photos are static in time, like traditional photos, but are displayed with interactive parallax on mobile or desktop screens, as well as on Virtual Reality devices, where viewing it also includes stereo. We present an end-to-end system for creating and viewing 3D photos, and the algorithmic and design choices therein. Our 3D photos are captured in a single shot and processed directly on a mobile device. The method starts by estimating depth from the 2D input image using a new monocular depth estimation network that is optimized for mobile devices. It performs competitively to the state-of-the-art, but has lower latency and peak memory consumption and uses an order of magnitude fewer parameters. The resulting depth is lifted to a layered depth image, and new geometry is synthesized in parallax regions. We synthesize color texture and structures in the parallax regions as well, using an inpainting network, also optimized for mobile devices, on the LDI directly. Finally, we convert the result into a mesh-based representation that can be efficiently transmitted and rendered even on low-end devices and over poor network connections. Altogether, the processing takes just a few seconds on a mobile device, and the result can be instantly viewed and shared. We perform extensive quantitative evaluation to validate our system and compare its new components against the current state-of-the-art.






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2021.10.05 黃睿緯報告

PPT: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uIvP17YXnXmpCcPJlOLc8kY13bqLfj0o/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103926017209371204990&rtpof=true&sd=true


Mind – Shinseungback Kimyonghun ( ARS ELECTRONICA 2020)

發表於 110上學期 | 在〈2021.10.05 黃睿緯報告〉中留言功能已關閉