2022.11.15 趙佳禾報告:My data body

My data body – ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Gallery
Link of Paper
Link of Artwork
→ PPT_my data body

Authors – Marilène Oliver, Scott Smallwood, Stephan Moore, J. R. Carpenter
Keywords – Personal Data, Virtual Body, VR Interactive art
In My Data Body, the magnetic resonance (MR) scanned body of the artist Marilène Oliver floats prone within a `cloud’ of her textual Facebook data. Into the semi-transparent, virtual body are multiple other data corpuses downloaded from social media platforms plotted into cross sections of the body. In the horizontal plane, Mac terminal data is plotted into bone, Google data into muscle and Facebook data into fat. In the vertical plane are plotted data usage agreements. Passwords and logins flow back and forth through veins and arteries, whilst retinal images, dental scans and 3D meshes of organs and bones are suspended within the quantified and datafied body [Lupton 2016; Van Dijck 2014]. There is a continuous stream of text particles that flow through and around the data body that one can swat away or nestle into.

發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.11.15 趙佳禾報告:My data body〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.11.15 李艷琳報告 – Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself

Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself

SIGGRAPH’22: ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Immersive Pavilion


John Desnoyers-Stewart (Simon Fraser University, Canada)



Inspired by Carl Sagan, Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself is an immersive experience created to remind immersants of their fundamental connection to humanity and the universe. This hybrid VR artwork brings two people together in a surreal experience that can be shared with a remote stranger or a co-present friend. Their bodies are transformed into constellations surrounded by a myriad of orbiting stars whose lifetimes unfold before their eyes. By reframing the body in a shared aesthetic this unique experience encourages immersants to see themselves and others in a common light, as “star-stuff” brought to life, free of superficial characteristics that divide us.



Virtual Reality, Embodiment, Telepresence, Installation art


→ SIGGRAPH Presentation Link


Class Presentation PPT


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.11.15 李艷琳報告 – Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.11.15 陳昭潔報告-“I Don’t Even Remember What I Read”: How Design Influences Dissociation on Social Media

“I Don’t Even Remember What I Read”: How Design Influences Dissociation on Social Media

CHI ’22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Amanda Baughan, Mingrui “Ray” Zhang, Raveena Rao, Kai Lukoff, Anastasia Schaadhardt, Lisa Butler, Alexis Hiniker


Many people have experienced mindlessly scrolling on social media. We investigated these experiences through the lens of normative dissociation: total cognitive absorption, characterized by diminished self-awareness and reduced sense of agency. To explore user experiences of normative dissociation and how design affects the likelihood of normative dissociation, we deployed Chirp, a custom Twitter client, to 43 U.S. participants. Experience sampling and interviews revealed that sometimes, becoming absorbed in normative dissociation on social media felt like a beneficial break. However, people also reported passively slipping into normative dissociation, such that they failed to absorb any content and were left feeling like they had wasted their time. We found that designed interventions– including custom lists, reading history labels, time limit dialogs, and usage statistics–reduced normative dissociation. Our findings demonstrate that interaction designs intended to capture attention likely do so by harnessing people’s natural inclination to seek normative dissociation experiences. This suggests that normative dissociation may be a more productive framing than addiction for discussing social media overuse.


social media, design, social media addiction, dissociation, normative dissociation

Paper Link


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.11.15 陳昭潔報告-“I Don’t Even Remember What I Read”: How Design Influences Dissociation on Social Media〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.11.15 林巖科技藝術報告:Cellular Trending: Fragmented Information Dissemination on Social Media Through Generative Lens

Cellular Trending: Fragmented Information Dissemination on Social Media Through Generative Lens

MM ’22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia










Cellular Trending is an artwork that reveals information fragmentation on the social media through generative lens.

  • It visualizes the fragmented information from social media with affective attributes cells to enable artistic experience in visualize database.
  • A multi-level interactive system consists of CELL, FACT and VIEW is proposed based on information dissemination theory mapping to fragmented communication, thinking and reading.


Bo Shui
School of Mechanical Engineering University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing, China bo-shui@outlook.com

Xiaohui Wang

School of Mechanical Engineering University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing, China, China wangxh14@ustb.edu.cn


Interactive installation, social media, cellular automata, affective computing, fragmented information

PPT Presentation

Paper resource


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.11.15 林巖科技藝術報告:Cellular Trending: Fragmented Information Dissemination on Social Media Through Generative Lens〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.10.18 趙佳禾報告-Meta Avatar Robot Cafe: Linking Physical and Virtual Cybernetic Avatars to Provide Physical Augmentation for People with Disabilities


Title: Meta Avatar Robot Cafe:Linking Physical and Virtual Cybernetic Avatars to Provide Physical Augmentation for People with Disabilities

Authors: Yoichi Yamazaki, Tsukuto Yamada,Hiroki Nomura,Nobuaki Hosoda,Ryoma Kawamura,Kazuaki Takeuchi,Hiroaki Kato,Ryuma Niiyama,Kentaro Yoshifuji

Keywords: cybernetic avatar, avatar works, telepresence robot, people with disabilities, human-robot interaction

Abstract: Meta avatar robot cafe is a cafe that fuses cyberspace and physical space to create new encounters with people. We create a place where people with disabilities who have difficulty going out can freely switch between their physical bodies and virtual bodies, and communicate their presence and warmth to each other.

PPT:Meta Avatar Robot Cafe

發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.10.18 趙佳禾報告-Meta Avatar Robot Cafe: Linking Physical and Virtual Cybernetic Avatars to Provide Physical Augmentation for People with Disabilities〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.10.18 李艷琳報告 – WonderScope: Practical Near-surface AR Device for Museum Exhibits

WonderScope: Practical Near-surface AR Device for Museum Exhibits

SIGGRAPH’22: ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Emerging Technologies

ACM SIGGRAPH Best In Show Honorable Mention Award









HyeonBeom Yi, Yeeun Shin, Sehee Lee, Eunhye Youn, Auejin Ham, Geehyuk Lee, Woohun Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


Mobile augmented reality (AR) applications have become essential tools for delivering additional information to museum visitors. However, interacting through a mobile screen can potentially distract visitors from the exhibits. We propose WonderScope which is a peripheral system for mobile devices that enables practical near-surface AR interaction. Using a single small RFID tag on the exhibit as the origin, WonderScope can detect the position and orientation of the device on the surface of the exhibit. It performs on various surfaces of different materials based on the result of data fusion from two types of displacement sensors and an accelerometer of an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The mobile application utilizes the data for spatial registration of digital content on the exhibit’s surface, which make the users feel like seeing-through or magnifying the surface of exhibits.


Near-surface interaction, Museum, Interactive exhibition, Augmented Reality, Education


→ SIGGRAPH Presentation Link


Class Presentation PPT


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.10.18 李艷琳報告 – WonderScope: Practical Near-surface AR Device for Museum Exhibits〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.10.18 林巖報告:Sense of Embodiment Inducement for People with Reduced Lower-body Mobility and Sensations with Partial-Visuomotor Stimulation

Article: Sense of Embodiment Inducement for People with Reduced Lower-body Mobility and Sensations with Partial-Visuomotor Stimulation

Author: Hyuckjin Jang, Hyuckjin Jang, Seo Young Oh, Jeongmi Lee, 

Sunghee Lee, and Sang Ho Yoon

SIGGRAPH ’22 Emerging Technologies










Consideration for Sense of Embodiment (SoE) and lower-body mobility and sensation (PRLMS) participants to provide Virtual Reality(VR) capabilities environment. The friendly usage of the VR related to the reality activities connected to the real world.  Considered the activities specific and focused on Upper-body motion tracking-based partial-visumotor technology

Keywords: Diversity Equity, Inclusion, Virtual Reality

Paper : Link

PPT File

發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.10.18 林巖報告:Sense of Embodiment Inducement for People with Reduced Lower-body Mobility and Sensations with Partial-Visuomotor Stimulation〉中留言功能已關閉


Art title:ImageFlowing-Enhance Emotional Expression by Reproducing the Vital Signs of the Photographer

—SIGGRAPH ’22: ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Emerging Technologies

Author:Qianqian Mu, George Chernyshov, Ziyue Wang, Danny Hynds, Dingding Zheng, Kouta Minamizawa, Dunya Chen, Atsuro Ueki, Masa Inakage, Kai Kunze


Abstract:ImageFlowing is a ‘living’ photograph that reproduces the biometric signs of the photographer. Viewers can feel how the photographer felt through photographer’s breathing, heartbeats and skin tem- perature. We extend a two-dimensional picture into a multi-modal experience, aiming at creating a tighter emotional link between the viewer and the photographer.


Art work


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.10.18陳昭潔報告-ImageFlowing〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.10.04 李艷琳報告 – Another Moon

Art Title: Another Moon

PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA 2022 – Interactive Art +  – Honorary Mention

Authors: Kimchi and Chips (KR) 

                    Mimi Son (KR) & Elliot Woods (UK)

→ Original Link:

→ Artwork Website

Class Presentation PPT



Another Moon is a large-scale outdoor apparition that creates a technically sublime second moon in the sky. As the original moon is visible as a reflection of sunlight in the sky, this second moon is created by a cross-temporal reflection of sunlight gathered during the day, projected back into the sky at night. The moon appears overhead where laser beams tightly superimpose to create a three-dimensional form that can be viewed up to 1km away, creating a focus to bring people back together in a post-corona era. It was developed over a 6 year period by the artist duo, and is the pinnacle of their ‘Drawing in the Air’ series of works.

The project was first presented in the industrial ruins of the Zeche Zollverein (historically the most productive coal mine in Europe). Each night the lasers turn off one by one as the sunshine on that particular day is depleted from their batteries. This mechanism replays the ephemeral energy of the day, unwinding our on-demand instinct for energy which became dominant during the era of fossil fuels.



Despite the long-held expectation of a return to normalcy following the pandemic, we continue to live in exceptional times. We are more eager than ever for shared experiences in the physical world, despite the fact that social distancing has accelerated the adoption of remote and virtual involvement. Another Moon is a large-scale light installation in the sky that can be viewed from a distance and offers an intimate experience in a plaza. An artificial moon, illuminated by energy obtained from genuine sunlight and with a limited lifespan, as opposed to our current economy that borrows resources from another day and space. In recent years, the expansion of the private sector space race has broadened our perceptions on human territory to include (outer) space. In the meantime, the urgency of our inhabitants compels us to reflect on the crucial mechanisms that allow us to exist on our planet. Poetically, the second moon, formed by solar energy in the ruins of an industrial coal mine, creates a time of reflection for a call to action against climate change.

發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.10.04 李艷琳報告 – Another Moon〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.10.4 陳昭潔報告 The Net Wanderer – A TOUR OF SUSPENDED HANDSHAKES


Author: Cheng Guo

Art Statement: The Net Wanderer is a research project that explores the connection between the critical network gateways in China and the infrastructure running these gateways. Guo Cheng uses computer network diagnostic tools that track the IP addresses of these nodes as well as specific geographic locations. In this way, the artist creates a map of firewall proxies that block Chinese users from roaming the Internet freely.
Main tasks of the Chinese firewall are to slow down and censor cross border Internet traffic and to block some foreign websites. The project investigates how borders have been constructed to protect cyber-sovereignty, and how it can be observed. By mapping the giant wall and physically visiting some of those geolocations, Guo Cheng seeks to expose the entanglement of technology, culture, and ideology behind China’s Internet infrastructure.
The utopian idea of the Internet was that of a universal space for all, unbound by borders. In reality, networks are intertwined with real-world territoriality, as Guo Cheng shows by taking on the role of a tourist visiting the elusive sites hosting the network infrastructures of the Great Firewall of China (GFW). The installation lets users become virtual firewall tourists, entering websites of choice that–if blocked by the GFW–take them to a game that allows them to submit their usernames. A custom-made wall-mounted machine then engraves the names and scores along with the IP address of a GFW node, while footage on the screen shows Guo Cheng using geolocation data to track the physical location of the firewall’s network gateway.

keywords: IP Address, engrave, Great Firewall of China, cyber-sovereignty

Art Work Link


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.10.4 陳昭潔報告 The Net Wanderer – A TOUR OF SUSPENDED HANDSHAKES〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.09.29 林巖報告: Perfect Sleep

Art Title: Perfect Sleep

Artist: Tega Brain (AU), Sam Lavigne (US)


Perfect Sleep contain two part and involved the application from cell phone to reschedule and record the sleep quality and quantity. With the sleep behavior to understand the climate change effect and GPD related to the sleep with data analysis.

Based on the elements with sleep, daily furniture, music and dream space acceptable elements to represent the “perfect sleep”.

Original Link:

Website of the art:


發表於 111上學期 | 在〈2022.09.29 林巖報告: Perfect Sleep〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.6.7 陳昭潔報告 Alan Kwan-Scent

SCENT – Gameplay Teaser [4K] from EYEPAIN studio on Vimeo.

Art Title: Scent

Author: Alan Kwan

Art Statement:

An interactive experimental game that takes place near the border of a city undergoing a massacre. A stray dog follows scent trails of human fear and carries out its job to help human souls reincarnate.

The players explore the environment through the point of view of a stray dog. The game presents no story, context, or background information on where the massacre is taking place and why it is happening. Nothing will be resolved after the players finish the game. It creates an experience that invites contemplation on fear, deaths, and the collapse of a city. As a reflection of the on-going global situation, this game attempts to strip away politics, and allows players to reflect on human brutality and violence from the senses and perception of an animal.

Keywords: point-cloud, immersive technologies, 3D virtual worlds, cinematic games, cinematic experience, projection

Art Work


發表於 110下學期 | 在〈2022.6.7 陳昭潔報告 Alan Kwan-Scent〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.6.7 林巖 報告 Overview: Technology Roadmap of the Future Trend of Metaverse based on IoT, Blockchain, AI Technique, and Medical Domain Metaverse Activity


Metaverse connected to IoT, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence. With maximum IoT devices in their virtual environments. With medical applications data identifying tags and used as traceable data in the blockchain-based Metaverse. Data becoming a valuable resource for artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence and blockchain technology in digital virtual world where you can safely and freely engage in social and economic activities that transcend the limits of the real world.

Paper Link

Authors: Md Ariful Islam Mozumder et. al, 2022

Keywords: Metaverse, IoT, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare

PDF File

發表於 110下學期 | 在〈2022.6.7 林巖 報告 Overview: Technology Roadmap of the Future Trend of Metaverse based on IoT, Blockchain, AI Technique, and Medical Domain Metaverse Activity〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.06.07 陳麗宇報告 – Biases in Generative Art

Biases in Generative Art: A Causal Look from the Lens of Art History – ACM FAccT’ 2021, Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

→ Full-text Paper

→ Class Presentation


Authors – Ramya Srinivasan, Kanji Uchino

Key words – Generative art, Style transfer, Biases

Abstract – With rapid progress in artificial intelligence (AI), popularity of generative art has grown substantially. From creating paintings to generating novel art styles, AI based generative art has showcased a variety of applications. However, there has been little focus concerning the ethical impacts of AI based generative art. In this work, we investigate biases in the generative art AI pipeline right from those that can originate due to improper problem formulation to those related to algorithm design. Viewing from the lens of art history, we discuss the socio-cultural impacts of these biases. Leveraging causal models, we highlight how current methods fall short in modeling the process of art creation and thus contribute to various types of biases. We illustrate the same through case studies, in particular those related to style transfer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first extensive analysis that investigates biases in the generative art AI pipeline from the perspective of art history. We hope our work sparks interdisciplinary discussions related to accountability of generative art.

發表於 110下學期 | 在〈2022.06.07 陳麗宇報告 – Biases in Generative Art〉中留言功能已關閉

2022.06.07 陳思豪報告: Age transformation using a style-based regression model

Topic: Only a matter of style: age transformation using a style-based regression model, SIGGRAPH 2021, Session: Technical Papers

Authors: Yuval AlalufTel,  PatashnikTel, et al.


The task of age transformation illustrates the change of an individual’s appearance over time. Accurately modeling this complex transformation over an input facial image is extremely challenging as it requires making convincing and possibly large changes to facial features and head shape, while still preserving the input identity. In this work, we present an image-to-image translation method that learns to directly encode real facial images into the latent space of a pre-trained unconditional GAN (e.g., StyleGAN) subject to a given aging shift. We employ a pre-trained age regression network used to explicitly guide the encoder in generating the latent codes corresponding to the desired age. In this formulation, our method approaches the continuous aging process as a regression task between the input age and desired target age, providing fine-grained control over the generated image. Moreover, unlike other approaches that operate solely in the latent space using a prior on the path controlling age, our method learns a more disentangled, non-linear path. Finally, we demonstrate that the end-to-end nature of our approach, coupled with the rich semantic latent space of StyleGAN, allows for further editing of the generated images. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations show the advantages of our method compared to state-of-the-art approaches.

Keyword: Style-base Age ManipulationGenerative Adversarial Networks, Age Transformation, Image Editing

Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sUkDu0I8EytEhWZEf48MmyR6vqWxlKxU/view?usp=sharing

Paper Link: https://s2021.siggraph.org/session/?sess=sess174



發表於 110下學期 | 在〈2022.06.07 陳思豪報告: Age transformation using a style-based regression model〉中留言功能已關閉