2022.11.15 趙佳禾報告:My data body

My data body – ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Gallery
Link of Paper
Link of Artwork
→ PPT_my data body

Authors – Marilène Oliver, Scott Smallwood, Stephan Moore, J. R. Carpenter
Keywords – Personal Data, Virtual Body, VR Interactive art
In My Data Body, the magnetic resonance (MR) scanned body of the artist Marilène Oliver floats prone within a `cloud’ of her textual Facebook data. Into the semi-transparent, virtual body are multiple other data corpuses downloaded from social media platforms plotted into cross sections of the body. In the horizontal plane, Mac terminal data is plotted into bone, Google data into muscle and Facebook data into fat. In the vertical plane are plotted data usage agreements. Passwords and logins flow back and forth through veins and arteries, whilst retinal images, dental scans and 3D meshes of organs and bones are suspended within the quantified and datafied body [Lupton 2016; Van Dijck 2014]. There is a continuous stream of text particles that flow through and around the data body that one can swat away or nestle into.

本篇發表於 111上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。