SCENT – Gameplay Teaser [4K] from EYEPAIN studio on Vimeo.
Art Title: Scent
Author: Alan Kwan
Art Statement:
An interactive experimental game that takes place near the border of a city undergoing a massacre. A stray dog follows scent trails of human fear and carries out its job to help human souls reincarnate.
The players explore the environment through the point of view of a stray dog. The game presents no story, context, or background information on where the massacre is taking place and why it is happening. Nothing will be resolved after the players finish the game. It creates an experience that invites contemplation on fear, deaths, and the collapse of a city. As a reflection of the on-going global situation, this game attempts to strip away politics, and allows players to reflect on human brutality and violence from the senses and perception of an animal.
Keywords: point-cloud, immersive technologies, 3D virtual worlds, cinematic games, cinematic experience, projection