Category: Computer Animation (CA)
Authors -Miwa Matreyek
Abstract: The “INFINITELY YOURS” (2020). It was the video and audio animation combination. The Author used personal shadow in this film to represent the feeling about the climate issues and some consideration about human activities and the environment.
The file and the image enabled the mindset and the picture about nature and humanity. Some activities on earth and the things we used impact the climate. Water, forest, oil, and plastic usage impact the mother earth with different meanings come at the time.
The shadow places a role and feeling about the things which happened in daily life. The Modern city and things had already impacted things a lot. With the role played inside the file, some feelings and mindsets just went through these processes to remind the idea and things in common.
The film used lots of basic elements and combine whole storage in one page. Used shadow to describe things as the language in short. More reliable message transfer from the place to the people in front of this film.