2021.12.28 王聖銘 Report: First Impression: AI Understands Personality

Report: Link

Topic: First Impression: AI Understands Personality

Author: Xiaohui Wang, Xia Liang, Miao Lu, Jingyan Qin

Reference: ACM Multimedia 2020


When you first encounter a person, a mental image of that person is formed. First impression, an interactive art, is proposed to let AI understand human personality at first glance. The mental image is demonstrated by Beijing opera facial makeups, which shows the character personality with a combination of realism and symbolism. We build Beijing opera facial makeup dataset and semantic dataset of facial features to establish relationships among real faces, personalities and facial makeups. First impression detects faces, recognizes personality from facial appearance and finds the matching Beijing opera facial makeup. Finally, the morphing process from real face to facial makeup is shown to let users enjoy the process of AI understanding personality.

本篇發表於 110上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。