2021.10.19 古士宏 ACM Report “ZoomTouch”

Topic: ZoomTouch:Multi-User Remote Robot Control in Zoom by DNN-based Gesture Recognition

Report: Link

Author: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

Reference: Link


We present ZoomTouch – a breakthrough technology for multi-user control of robot from Zoom in real-time by DNN-based gesture recognition. The users from digital world can have a video con- ferencing and manipulate the robot to make the dexterous manip- ulations with tangible objects. As the scenario, we proposed the remote COVID-19 test Laboratory to considerably reduce the time to receive the data and substitute medical assistant working in pro- tective gear in close proximity with infected cells. The proposed technology suggests a new type of reality, where multi-users can jointly interact with remote object, e.g. make a new building design, joint cooking in robotic kitchen, etc, and discuss/modify the results at the same time.

本篇發表於 110上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。