Topic: Reverse Pass-through VR (ACM SIGGRAPH – Emerging Technology)
PPT: 2021.10.19 ACM SIGGRAPH – Emerging Technology
Author: Nathan MatsudaFacebook Reality Labs
Abstract: We introduce reverse pass-through VR, wherein a three-dimensional view of the wearer’s eyes is presented to multiple outside viewers in a perspective-correct manner, with a prototype headset containing a world-facing light field display. This approach, in conjunction with existing video (forward) pass-through technology, enables more seamless interactions between people with and without headsets in social or professional contexts. Reverse pass-through VR ties together research in social telepresence and copresence, autostereoscopic displays, and facial capture to enable natural eye contact and other important non-verbal cues in a wider range of interaction scenarios.
Keywords: reverse pass-through, light field displays, virtual reality