2021.03.23 王聖銘 Report: Factorized Variational Autoencoders forModeling Audience Reactions to Movies

Report: Link

Topic: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience Reactions to Movies

Author: Zhiwei Deng et al.

Reference: https://la.disneyresearch.com/publication/factorized-variational-autoencoder/


Matrix and tensor factorization methods are often used for finding underlying low-dimensional patterns from noisy data. In this paper, we study non-linear tensor factorization methods based on deep variational autoencoders. Our approach is well-suited for settings where the relationship between the latent representation to be learned and the raw data representation is highly complex. We apply our approach to a large dataset of facial expressions of movie-watching audiences (over 16 million faces). Our experiments show that compared to conventional linear factorization methods, our method achieves better reconstruction of the data, and further discovers interpretable latent factors.

本篇發表於 109下學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。