2018.10.11 何宜庭報告

Taste Controller: Galvanic Chin Stimulation Enhances, Inhibits,
and Creates Tastes

報告PPT: https://1drv.ms/p/s!AovNDdLvj_mgin1dMCig2xHGV1_0

Kazuma Aoyama, Kenta Sakurai, Akinobu Morishima, Taro Maeda, Hideyuki Ando

In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’18 Emerging Technologies.



Galvanic tongue stimulation (GTS) is a technology used to change
and induce taste sensation with electrical stimulation. It is known
from previous studies that cathodal current stimulation induces
two types of effects. The first is the taste suppression that renders
the taste induced by electrolytic materials weaker during the stimulation.
The second is taste enhancement that makes taste stronger
shortly after ending the stimulation. These effects stand a better
possibility to affect the ability to emulate taste, which can ultimately
control the strength of taste sensation with freedom. Taste
emulation has been considered in various applications, such as in
virtual reality, in diet efforts, and in other applications. However,
conventional GTS is associated with some problems. For example,
the duration of taste enhancement is too short for use in diet efforts,
and it necessitates the attachment of electrodes in the mouth.
Moreover, conventional GTS cannot induce taste at the throat but
at the mouth instead. Thus, this study and our associated demonstration
introduces some approaches to address and solve these
problems. Our approaches realize that taste changes voluntarily
and the effects persist for lengthy periods of time.

本篇發表於 107上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。