2021.03.09 田子平報告:穿戴式裝置-Render Ghost─Imagination and Practice of Immersive Virtual Ritual Theater



文獻題目:渲染的幽靈─沉浸式虛擬儀式劇場之想像與實踐/Render Ghost─Imagination and Practice of Immersive Virtual Ritual Theater 

文獻作者:馮涵宇/Feng Han-Yu


the significant trivial things: 科技劇場再思考:〈Render Ghost〉與未來意識


        《Render Ghost》為一沉浸式的虛擬儀式劇場,始於對靈魂之根源與歸宿的叩問。在科技劇烈發展的情境之下,生命意識的邊界正逐漸地擴張與位移。其中,關 於將人類靈魂上傳至虛擬網路的諸種科學幻想,正逐漸脫離想像的範疇而步入現 實。靈魂伴隨著肉身而來,是否將以訊息的形式離之而去?而脫離肉身的虛擬靈魂 其主體明證性將如何變形、又生命最終將通向何方?這些提問根植於人類抗拒死亡 的原始欲望,虛擬靈魂作為一種人類之後的生命樣態勾勒出一種新的主體情境,揭開了重構後人類倫理的序幕。 

        此創作論述旨在闡釋圍繞著《Render Ghost》所衍伸出來的相關概念與問題意識,這件作品試圖通過一種後人類式的神話框架作為召喚、調動科幻敘事和儀式劇場之間的關係網路:向外,重新錨定人類位於演化與訊息歷史中的座標,反思將物與非人生命視為客體的知識系統,以此重新理解後人類如何踰越死亡的有限性及自我存有幻象的邊界;向內,回溯劇場與儀式的根源,並進一步將科技物、模控學與 虛擬的反思納入儀式劇場的想像圖譜之中,試以新媒體媒介的深入探索撞擊官能與無意識的深層,獲取知性與理性無法企及之處,挖掘精神的甬道、回到渾沌之源初,窺探演化與超越的想像。 


        Render Ghost is an immersive virtual ritual theater which started with an inquiry of the origin and home of our spirits. In the drastic development of technology, the boundary of life consciousness has been expanding and shifting. Among which, one sci-fi story about human spirits uploaded to a virtual network aspires to walk out from the fantasy and enter into reality. The spirit comes along with our physical bodies; would it leave the world in the form of information? While how would the identity certificate of disembodied spirit transform and where will the life travel eventually? These questions are rooted in the primitive desire where humankind resist death. The virtual spirit, as a new pattern of life following the state of the human, outlines a new arrives at the reconstruction of posthuman ethics. 

        This artist statement aims to interpret concepts and research questions around the work Render Ghost which takes a mythological framework of post-humanity as a summons, adjusting the relational network between sci-fi narratives and ritual theater. Externally, the work redefines the position of humankind in the process of evolution and informatic history, rethinking the knowledge system which regards objects and non-human lives as the object. With such a concept, I re-comprehend how post-human cross the line of the limitation of death and the border of self-existing fantasy. While internally, I would like to trace the origin of theater and rituals, and further impose the rethinking of technological products, cybernetics, and virtuality into the imaginative diagram of ritual theater, trying to strike the bottom of senses and unconsciousness by the exploration of new media. It allows the audience arrive place where knowledge and rationality can’t reach, digging the spiritual tunnel and returning back to the origin, exploring the imagination of evolution and transcendence. 



Key words: Ritual theater, Posthumanism, cybernetics, myth, virtual reality, ghost, evolution, entropy 

本篇發表於 109下學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。