2020.03.17 林楷育報告

  • Reporter:  Kai-yu Lin 林楷育
  • ppt: ppt
  • Topic: TORSO #1
  • Authors: Peter Kutin (AT)
    TORSO #1 is a sound sculpture that is visually reminiscent of a klopotec. This windmill-like wooden construction serves as a scarecrow in vineyards as it mechanically generates sounds and vibrations. Here, an electro-acoustic system of four 100 V loudspeakers rotates at different speeds, generating feedback patterns and modulating sound signals and the spatial sound itself. The targeted acceleration and deceleration of the rotating of the four-voice system serves as the central compositional means for the 35-minute piece – the sculpture becomes an abstract, audiovisual instrument.
本篇發表於 108下學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。