- 2023.5.23洪寶惜報告-GANksy aims to produce images that bear resemblance to works by the UK’s most famous street artist
- 2023.5.23巫思萱報告- Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Afects Users’ Views
- 2023.05.23 李艷琳報告 – CLOUD STUDIES
- 2023.05.23 劉士達報告 – Tangible Globes for Data Visualisation in Augmented Reality
- 2023.05.09 洪寶惜報告 – 《光。盲》反思科技媒體偏誤之科技藝術創作
- 2023.05.09 李艷琳報告 – 星叢‧複線‧集合:網路前衛藝術美學語言
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- 2023.05.15 劉士達報告 – Wander: An AI-driven Chatbot to Visit the Future Earth
- 2023.05.09 巫思萱報告-Designing and Deploying Robotic Companions to Improve Human Psychological Wellbeing
- 2023.04.25 洪寶惜報告 – A Design Framework for Smart Glass Augmented Reality Experiences in Heritage Sites
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- 2023.04.25 劉士達報告 – LearnIoTVR: An End-to-End Virtual Reality Environment Providing Authentic Learning Experiences for Internet of Things
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每月彙整:6 月 2023
2023.5.23洪寶惜報告-GANksy aims to produce images that bear resemblance to works by the UK’s most famous street artist
The ART Newspaper : An AI bot has figu … 繼續閱讀
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